O Grancie NCBiR

Projekt OPTIL.io jest współfinansowany przez Narodowe Centrum Badań i Rozwojuw ramach programu LIDER. The founding was granted for the project Optilion - platforma do ciągłej ewaluacji algorytmów na lata 2015-2017. Podczas fazy badawczej projektu nazwa platformy została zmieniona na Optil.io.

Celem Programu LIDER jest pomóc młodym naukowcom w nauce samodzielnego planowania badań, zarządzania nimi i prowadzenia zespołu badawczego podczas realizacji projektów, które mogą zostać wdrożone na rynku. Program LIDER ma również na celu zachęcanie naukowców do współpracy z przedsiębiorstwami przy prowadzeniu wartościowych ekonomicznie i wykonalnych(?) badań oraz usprawniania mobilności i wymiany między sektorami badawczymi, uniwersytetami i jednostkami badawczymi.


[5] S. Wasik, M. Antczak, J. Badura, A. Laskowski, and T. Sternal, "A Survey on Online Judge Systems and Their Applications", ACM Computing Surveys, 2018, 51(1), article no. 3, arXiv:1710.05913 [cs.CY].

[4] S. Wasik, M. Antczak, J. Badura, A. Laskowski, M. Olszowy, K. Wedrowicz, T. Sternal, "Optil.io Platform: Evaluation as a Service for Metaheuristics", In: Metaheuristics: Proceeding of the MIC and MAEB 2017 Conferences, Barcelona, 2017, pp. 225-227

[3] S. Wasik, M. Antczak, J. Badura, A. Laskowski, T. Sternal, "Optil.io: Cloud Based Platform for Solving Optimization Problems Using Crowdsourcing Approach", In: Proceedings of 19th ACM conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing, ACM Digital Library, San Francisco, CA, USA, 2016, pp. 433-436.

[2] S. Wasik, F. Fratczak, J. Krzyskow, and J. Wulnikowski, "Inferring mathematical equations using crowdsourcing", PLOS ONE, vol. 10(12), iss. e0145557, 2015.

[1] S. Wasik, "Two crowdsourcing approaches for solving optimization problems", In: Proceedings of ICOLE Workshop 2015, Machine Learning Reports 04/2015, 2015, p. 16

Conferences and seminars

[21] S. Wasik, Talk (in Polish): "Hyperheuristics, new trends in solving optimization problems", 09.10.2017, Lecture for students of 8th High School in Poznan, Poznan, Poland

[20] S. Wasik, M.Antczak, J. Badura, A. Laskowski, T. Sternal, Talk: "Optil.io platform: past, present, and future", 02-06.10.2017, ICOLE’17: Perspectives of Bioinformatics, Operations Research and Machine Learning, Lessach, Austria

[19] S. Wasik, M.Antczak, J. Badura, A. Laskowski, T. Sternal, Talk: "Optil.io: Evaluation platform for data science and optimization algorithms", 17-21.07.2017, IFORS: 21st Conference of the International Federation of Operational Research Societies, Quebec, Canada

[18] M.Antczak, M. Kasprzak, P. Lukasiak, S. Wasik, J. Blazewicz, Talk: "Structural alignment of contact-based 3D protein substructures: The problem and its implementation on Optil.io platform", 17-21.07.2017, IFORS: 21st Conference of the International Federation of Operational Research Societies, Quebec, Canada

[17] S. Wasik, M. Antczak, J. Badura, A. Laskowski, M. Olszowy, T. Sternal, and K. Wedrowicz, Talk: "Optil.io Platform: Evaluation as a Service for Metaheuristics", 4-7.07.2017, 12th Metaheuristics International Conference, Barcelona, Spain

[16] S. Wasik, Talk (in Polish): "Bioinformatic methods of modelling dynamical systems in biology", 13.06.2016, Seminar of the Institute of Computing Science, Poznan University of Technology, Poznan, Poland

[15] S. Wasik, Talk (in Polish): "Modeling viral infections using crowdsourcing", 11-12.05.2017, Annual Meeting of the Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry, Polish Academy of Sciences, Poznan, Poland

[14] S. Wasik, M.Antczak, J. Badura, A. Laskowski, M. Olszowy, T. Sternal, K. Wedrowicz, Talk: "Solving Selective TSP Problem Using Crowdsourced Programming Challenge", 3-6.05.2017, ECCO XXX: 30th Conference of the European Chapter on Combinatorial Optimization, Budapest, Hungary

[13] S. Wasik, M.Antczak, J. Badura, A. Laskowski, T. Sternal, Talk (in Polish): "Optil.io: platform for automatic evaluation of optimization problems", 08.11.2016, Seminar of the Institute of Computing Science, Poznan University of Technology, Poznan, Poland

[12] S. Wasik, M.Antczak, J. Badura, A. Laskowski, T. Sternal, Poster: "Optil.io: Solving Biological Optimization Problems by Organizing Programming Challenges", 28-30.09.2016, 9th Symposium of the Polish Bioinformatics Society, Bialystok, Poland

[11] S. Wasik, M.Antczak, J. Badura, A. Laskowski, T. Sternal, Talk: "Optil.io: Solving Biological Optimization Problems by Organizing Programming Challenges", 28-30.09.2016, 9th Symposium of the Polish Bioinformatics Society, Bialystok, Poland

[10] S. Wasik, Talk (in Polish): "World of optimization problems", 26.09.2016, Inauguration of school year at 8th High School in Poznan, Poznan, Poland

[9] S. Wasik, M.Antczak, J. Badura, A. Laskowski, T. Sternal, Interactive poster: "Optil.io: a Platform for Organizing Challenges to Solve Optimization Problems", 03-06.07.2016, EURO 2016: 28th European Conference on Operational Research, Making an Impact stream, Poznan, Poland

[8] J. Badura, A. Laskowski, S. Wasik, M.Antczak, Talk: "Methodology for Evaluation of Optimization Algorithms Executing on GPU", 03-06.07.2016, EURO 2016: 28th European Conference on Operational Research, Poznan, Poland

[7] S. Wasik, M.Antczak, J. Badura, A. Laskowski, T. Sternal, Talk: "Optil.io: a Platform for Organizing Challenges to Solve Optimization Problems", 03-06.07.2016, EURO 2016: 28th European Conference on Operational Research, Poznan, Poland

[6] S. Wasik, M.Antczak, J. Badura, A. Laskowski, T. Sternal, Talk (in Polish): "Optil.io: Internet platform for solving optimization problems", 30.06-02.07.2016, Polish Scientific Networks, Wroclaw, Poland

[5] S. Wasik, M.Antczak, J. Badura, A. Laskowski, T. Sternal, Talk: "Optil.io: Solving Optimization Problems by Organizing Programming Challenges", 26-28.05.2016, ECCO XXIX: 29th Conference of the European Chapter on Combinatorial Optimization, Budapest, Hungary

[4] S. Wasik, M.Antczak, J. Badura, A. Laskowski, T. Sternal, Interactive poster: "Optil.io: Cloud Based Platform for Solving Optimization Problems Using Crowdsourcing Approach", 27.02-02.03.2016, CSCW 2016: 19th ACM conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing, San Francisco, USA

[3] S. Wasik, Talk (in Polish): "Regular Course at University of Alberta put into practice during Optil.io project", 16-17.12.2015, Conference summarizing Transformation.doc Programme, Warsaw, Poland

[2] S. Wasik, Talk: "Two crowdsourcing approaches for solving optimization problems", 28.09-02.10.2015, ICOLE'15: Perspectives of Bioinformatics, Operations Research and Machine Learning, Lessach, Austria

[1] S. Wasik, Talk: "Optilion - Platform for Continues Evaluation of Optimization Algorithms", 19.05.2015, Seminar of the Laboratory of Algorithm Design and Data Structures, Institute of Computing Science, Poznan University of Technology, Poznan, Poland

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